Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Pink makes the boys wink

Ugh... I don't know what is wrong with me recently, I'm getting so.... so.... so GIRLY! I am sooooo excited about the launch of Laura Ashley's collaboration with Uniqlo.  As a child of the 80s I spent a lot of time being dressed in long, floaty, ruffley, frilly, ribbony princess dresses by my mum, she just adored Laura Ashley (aspirations above her station to be honest but if ever there was an era for a bit of social climbing that era was the 80s).

 This is probably why now I tend to favour an androgynous or gamine tomboy kind of look now.  But all of a sudden I'm getting all hot and bothered about pink and florals.  I blame the lack of sunshine.

This t-shirt is coming to a wardrobe near me soon (6th Feb) to be worn with pastel trousers and as much acid yellow as I can find.


  1. My mum was obsessed with Laura Ashley in the 80s too, although she didn't dress me in floaty frilly princess dresses.

    However I am strongly into florals for the coming season, I think I might need to move away from my usual navy and other such muted colours to bring in some colour.

  2. Navy looks fantastic with brights and pastels though (I always think black looks a bit cheap with brights - must be that child of the 80s thing again!) so it is good you have a lot of that as a building block. x

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  4. I am a big fan of yellow and navy, and green and navy come to think of it, so sure I'll manage ;-)
