Sunday, 19 February 2012

Mulberry announce new 'Del Ray' bag launch

Mulberry's new bag is influenced by Lana Del Ray's classic Hollywood style and has a cute bowling bag feel, it features the classic postman's lock which I love. Can't wait for the inevitable Primark copy to copy so I can get my £10 version! I'll give them until next month to turn it around.

But is Del Ray iconic enough to inspire a Mulberry bag?

Despite huge internet hype and hit song 'Video Games' becoming an instant catwalk favourite the backlash has well and truly begun. Lacklustre live performances, no shows and generally disappointing album reviews have already taken the shine off Lana's star. As a friend of mine commented the other day 'I'm even bored of the backlash now'.

Has Del Ray jumped the shark early and does this mean Mulberry may have missed a step on this collaboration?

This bag is stunning, I particularly love the dark cornflower blue colourway as shown above, to be honest I think it would be huge if they decided to call it the 'Katona'. I doubt it is going to recreate the phenomenal success of the 'Alexa' but I don't think even Mulberry will be expecting that for a minute. And on that note let's indulge in some 'Alexa' porn in the perfect colour for the new season...


Ok, deep breath, back to Lana. I really don't care that Del Ray was 'outed' as trust fund baby Lizzie Grant, after all 'working class hero' John Lennon as everyone knows, was actually a nice middle class boy from a suburban area of Liverpool and trash-rock goddess Courtney Love's mother was an heiress. Rock and roll is all about illusion and recreating yourself - just ask Bowie if you don't believe me.

However one aspect of Lana's rise to fame disturbs me. Although if Del Ray has had a little 'work' or not has been the subject of much debate on the internet anyone with eyes looking at her Lizzie photos can see that she has had fillers in her lips. I also think it is likely she has had some rhinoplasty work done as well although it is hard to tell as she may just be using some clever contouring make up.

Now I have no problem with people having cosmetic procedures (in fact the first thing I will be doing when I win the Euromillions is investing in some kind of Face-Off style surgery where Liv Tyler's face and hair are transplanted onto mine) I just think it is a little sad that a very young and pretty girl has it confirmed to her (and millions of young girls watching her success) that in order to be successful you need to change yourself. I think that is a real shame.

Am I over thinking this or does anyone else agree with me?


  1. oh this looks great!
    fantastic post babe! I really enjoyed reading it and looking through your blog! you have amazing taste and a brilliant blog, keep up the good work!
    would you be able to check out mine? would be an honour!
    It's fashion damnit
    There's the link!
    xxxx <3

  2. I love this one, am a bit of a Mulberry groupie (they're even more ridiculously priced than they ever were *sad face*) but I've not liked many of their recent designs that much. Alexa is lovely of course, but I really like this one too. Wasn't so keen on the blingy lot they brought out with the massive gold logo.

    As for Del Ray, bit early for iconic bag status I think. There is something rather irritating about her, and she has only done 2 singles. I guess they can always pretend it's named for the car!

    ***Faith Hope and Charity Shopping first blogiversary giveaway open now***

  3. It is awful when Mulberry try to go blingy isn't it? Have you ever seen the Bayswater Peace & Love? It has peace sign sequins on - ugh - so tacky!

    I've always wanted to go to the factory outlet in Shepton Mallet where they have up to 70% off but I think even with that sort of discount I'd be lucky if I could afford a luggage tag.

    The design on the Delray* is so simple that the high street will be awash with "homages" soon enough so I guess I'll have to make do with one of those.

    *Seeing as we're taking this name back for the classic car we'll need to drop that pesky space!
