Wednesday, 22 February 2012

What I Wore... to the BFI

Grey overcoat - Topman, sheer blouse - Primark, blue child's hairband worn as bow tie, chinos - Gap (dyed with Dylon in Sunshine Yellow), bright blue brogues - ASOS, clutch - Primark.

I love my new brogues, they actually came brand new and boxed from a seller on Amazon and they were £17 including P&P (last season ASOS was selling these for £55). They are super comfy soft suede and perfect to go with this seasons brights and pastels or to add a bit of colour to a neutral outfit.

I also love the BFI, it is a great place to hide from the rain (and it always rains when I go to the South Bank for some reason. I can spend hours looking throgh all the film books & DVDs in the shop, admiring the film posters, having a coffee or a vino in the bar or checking out the free screening room... sometimes I even watch a film!

Where is your favourite place to waste some time?


  1. those yellow chinos look amazing!

  2. Thanks Helen, I think they turned out quite well for a DIY job! I'm expecting to wear them to death this summer.


  3. I love the hairband as a bowtie. Such an ingenious idea.

  4. Why thank you. I think it gave the look an air of clown-chic!

  5. Oh my goshhh I need those brogues! I have some ASOS grey ones which are really comfy, and considering half my wardrobe is turquoise at the moment, these ones would be perfect!
